Sophie is a rare designer that has had her training at both Art Center and the Royal College of Art in London. Additionally, her diverse background experiences in Art Direction, Costume Design, Light and Furniture Design, Fashion, Advertising and Product Design provides her with a depth of vision from which to draw inspiration for the role as a designer.
Since 2005 she is a partner of CLAASSEN & PARTNER a multidisciplinary design studio established in Berlin and recently relocated to Vienna with leading clients from various different fields. Designers Sophie Birkmayer and Tammo Claassen see their challenge not only in transforming function into form; they always also integrate their work into a larger, cultural context. They get a drift, incorporate it into a project and feed the result back into the cultural flow.

The fields they work in range from corporate design to product- and interiordesign to digital solutions. The diversity of their projects allows them to sustain a fresh perspective and the high quality of the studios` output. The core qualities of their work could be characterized as being consequent, straight, reduced to the essential and always focussed on new materials and techniques.

claassen & partner

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