Daniel Ventura

1991: Architect. University of Architecture, University of Buenos Aires (FADU. UBA)

Academic Achievements:
2008: Head of Department. Elected subject: Factor of Design. FADU UBA
2007 - 2008: Director of the investigation’s Project: The construction from the interdisciplinary territory. FADU UBA
2008: Associate Professor UFLO, Universidad de Flores, Buenos Aires.
2008: Adjunt professor Architecture 1 FADU UBA
1998-2008: Tutor and General Coordinator: Master in Advanced Architectural Design at University of Buenos Aires. (MDAA) Director: Architect Justo Solsona.
2004-2007: Architecture Professor 2 FADU UBA.
2006: Workshop Coordinator: Net Malls in Buenos Aires city of BUS architecture & BOA, Vienna Austria. FADU UBA.
2006: Workshop Coordinator, Mathias Klotz. MDAA, FADU UBA.
2001: Connection between the city of Buenos Aires and Río de la Plata. Agreement FADU UBA /GCBA
1992: Investigation about Argentinean Architecture 1975/1990. Director: Architect Kenneth Frampton. Columbia University. USA.

Professional achievements:
Since 1997: Owner of the studio Daniel Ventura Arquitects.
1994-1997: Owner of the architecture Studio Bobrowicky, Fornari, Ventura Architects.

2008: Selectioned work. Biannual architectural price. Sociedad Central de Arquitectos/ Consejo Profesional de Arquitectura y Urbanismo, Argerich Building
2002: First mention at the biannual architecture’s prize of the central society of architects/ professional board of architecture and town planning by the work: "Grafishow Printing”
1997: First biannual award of professional board of architecture and town planning- central society of Argentinean architects on the category multi-family housing with architect Hugo Salama (collaborator).
1994: First biannual architecture award CPAU / SCA at the category single-family housing. Argentina.
1992: Workshop of Projects, Professor, Architect Peter Eisenman: “Project for 4000 inhabitants’ area: Abasto, city of Buenos Aires”.


2008: Emergencies / Architectures from Argentina 2001 / 2010. BAQ 08 University of the Américas Quito, Ecuador. November 2008.
2008: Last works. SCA. Sociedad Central de Arquitectos. November 2008
2008: Emergencies / Architectures from Argentina 2001 / 2010. University of Navarra. Spain. March 12 to 30. Pabellón de Mixtos de la Ciudadela de Pamplona.
2006: Qualified Architects between 1980 y 1995. Architecture filing direction, FADU UBA.
2002: Buenos Aires Architecture Museum. Biannual award 2002. Grafishow Printing.
2001: "Connection between the city of Buenos Aires and Rio de la Plata" at FADU UBA.
1996: Latin-American Architects Exhibition at Borges Cultural Centre.
1995: Exhibition “Modern-very modern, young Argentinean architects” at the technical University of Berlin, Alemania
1994: Recoleta Cultural Centre, Buenos Aires. Biannual award of architecture 1994. Leone house


2008: UFLO. Universidad de Flores. Works and projects 1994 - 2008
2007: UniDis / Mundanuem 2007 re- thinking architecture on the Americas. San José. Costa Rica.
2006: MACLA “Young and Contemporaries”
2006: SCA / MARQ. New Visions, New Architectures. “Poetic of the construction at the architectural work”
2005: MACLA “The other architecture of the youth”
2005: FADU UBA. Works and projects.
2004: Palermo University. Buenos Aires. About the look.
2003: ETSAM. . Architectural projects department.
2002: ETSAM. Cast the Villa. Project Works at marginal settlements of Buenos Aires.
2000: FADU UBA. 4 houses. Chair Architect Justo Solsona.
1999: FADU UBA Far away so close.


2008: 1000 x Architecture of the Americas. Ed Verlagshaus Braun. Berlin
2008: SCA Revista de Arquitectura. Number 229. Buenos Aires, Ed. July 2008 "Crítica Arquitectura". Critic and architecture. Text by Jorge Mele
Argerich Building. / Pages. 162 to 167.
2008: Revista Summa + Nro. 94 . Buenos Aires, Ed. June 2008.


Universidad de Buenos Aires


15 buildings

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Projects by Daniel Ventura

Dec 26, 2008 - 13:01 • 6329
Dec 25, 2008 - 14:28 • 11303 Winner
Dec 25, 2008 - 13:56 • 8460