The project area is located in the Burera region of Rwanda. The project, which will be located in one of the safari locations in Africa, is in a suitable location for visiting Rwanda's Silverback Gorillas. The building, which will serve on a family scale rather than multiple hotel rooms, aims to be a center of attraction for customers looking for privacy. On one side of the land, where we can see the volcanic mountain, there is a goal on the other side. The land is a region with volcanic mountains and the ground was formed by the cooling of lava. In the project location, which has a slope of 4-5 meters, the building was designed as a lava that follows the slope of the ground and the ground floor was placed at different levels. The building connects 2 different elevations with the ground floor and there are different functions at different elevations. The entrance hall is located on a different ground level, the kitchen is on a different level, and the living room is on a different level. The building was designed to include 3 flat bedrooms on the first floor, and this floor, which does not have a slope, follows the boundaries of the ground floor. The structure starts wider at the upper elevation and narrows towards the lower elevation. In the lava, they initially start wider and continue their movements by turning into veins as they descend downwards. Instead of being designed as an ordinary eco lodge, the building was designed according to the natural slope and natural formation of the land on which it is located and placed in the local context. We are excited to see the day when the building, which will be the second eco lodge project of Imigongo Collection, comes to life.


G 1 floors
4 bedrooms

Selim Senin
Alev Doru


WALL Corporation