KKA won the international architecture competition for a new 1200 sqrm dancehall in Falsterbo, Sweden. Clad in facetted mirror glass the proposal, Mirage, conducts a dialogue with its context.

The 30th of May 2006 the dancehall in Falsterbo, Sweden, was destroyed by fire. The dancehall was situated 200 meters from the beach in a small pinewood grove on the southernmost tip of Sweden. Having been a meeting place for both locals and tourists since the 1930`s the dancehall was much mourned and it was soon decided that the house should be rebuilt. The municipality launched an international architecture competition that draw a record breaking interest from both media and architects. After consideration the jury decided upon Kjellgren Kaminsky`s proposal "Mirage".

Mirage establishes a dialogue with the site, its history and future. Like a diffuse recollection it reflects the position and facades of the old dancehall while simultaneously reflecting its surroundings in every moment; the changing seasons, the light and the people passing by.

The old dancehall solely consisted of a dancefloor and a bar, but for the new building the program was extended to also include a restaurant for 150 people, a kitchen, a room with a stage and a second floor with a roof terrace, all adding up to a total of 1200 sqrm.

The plan of the new building has the same footprint as the old dancehall. It is cut diagonally by a two story high room which connects all the public areas in the building. The building is divided so that the serving spaces are placed along the eastern façade and the served public spaces are located on the west side. The rooms towards the southern façade are opened up to terraces.

The grove surrounding the building is kept unaffected. The terraces and paths connected to the building are made out of wooden boards taking there inspiration from the jetty`s on the nearby beach. A small gravel road for deliveries is lade out on the east side of the site.

The Facades of the building are clad in mirror finished stainless steel which gives the mirroring effect. The steel cassettes are placed in a pattern which takes inspiration from the old buildings wooden façade and its windows.


