This is a factory construction intended for the manufacture of Hermès leather bags. Life in its workshops and its craft workare both enhanced through its interior fittings and view over the Meuse river. It is a platform standing on piles on a slope of the terrain facing the Meuse. Access is via a transversal bay that gives on to the administration space and restaurant and is also to be used for various enterprise events.
The plan is based on a 17.40 metres measurement which corresponds to the scale of each workshop and the structural span. This combination produces a horizontal building 104 metres long by 52 metres wide. For speed of construction, the generic structural units are all in galvanized steel.
The assembly of these elements reveals a work of art: from the hand of the architect which brought forth the first sketch, to the hand of the workman through the silhouette of the edifice, to the hand of the erection fitters via the assembly of the building, to that of the artisans themselves, who manufacture high class leather goods within the structure.
This project is the fruit of many processes.
© Patrick Berger
Hermès Factory - Maroquinerie des Ardennes {P.Berger J.Anziutti architectes} by Patrick BERGER in France won the WA Award Cycle 2. Please find below the WA Award poster for this project.
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