Electronic Entertainment Center is type of complex that contains from different parts which is based on media and entertaining .According to our research we found out that every types of entertainments changed dramatically because the worldwide influence of media so we try to reshape some experiences like playing /reading books/ watching movies and so on.


The main idea based on creating a building which is not only mechanized but also friendly environment .For the aspect of mechanical we inspired by the liquid cooling system in computers . The features of system are mentioned right below. 1-Tubes with odd angles2-Appealing visual of different colors like cyan .magenta and green because of some additives in the fluid.3-Cooling the system with water.
In our research we find new construction system named Tronco . we inspired by this system to shape our project . Tronco superstructures are energy-efficient: unique insulated troncopanels may be cement-glued to walls and roof, thus providing for comfortable quality buildings under any climatic conditions, including extreme cold and warm weather.
Based on our idea we did use circulating water to cool the pc’s after that we expand this idea to cool the building at the same time. Here is the process 1- collect the rainfall 2-cleaning 3- storing the water and add some chemicals 4-spread the water to the consumers such as pc’s ,washing ,irrigating ,and etc . Now our mechanized space need something to boost our cooling system and make it more appealing ;So we used Trees ; trees are natural air conditioners as they lower the temperature by evaporating water from their leaves and absorbing pollution from the air and bring the sense of friendly space to become a gathering area for visitors at the same time.

Asad Tayebi Fallah
