The building combines permeability and density, continuity and fragmentation. Is able to incorporate and respond to different types of uses, spaces and internal and external relationships.

It assumes its urban and institutional scale and dialogues and responds to the conditions of its own solar and immediate environment.

An Architecture with volumes and spaces are arranged to colonize and order the solar building (not segregating) free, functional and qualified areas, conceived as relationship spaces and transition to the city, the territory and even with the existing building.

A single envelope and a fragmented volumetry that separates from the facades to cause approximation spaces and allow different levels of perception and relationship.

An austere and powerful image that contrasts with the richness and variety of interior spaces where daylight ends to define the different types of stays characterized by color and texture according to its use or dimension. So in larger spaces and more occupied predominates rough textures, while in smaller units are used smooth surfaces with the presence of color.


Programme: Health Rehabilitation Centre
Location: Lujan, Argentine
Date of competition: 2012
Category: Health
Area: 3,200 m2
Developer: Lujan University

Collaborators: Fabio Orizia Pérez, Emiliano Martínez, Bernardette Soust, Esther Stedile.


MEDIOMUNDO arquitectos