Located on the estuary of the Han River, which was historically the main artery of trade from the interior of Korea to China and the outside world, the proposed Cheongna City site is a place of rich fertile soils and a vast wetland boasting a diversity of birds and wildlife. The location affords the first glimpse of the mainland for travelers arriving from the new Incheon Airport causeway, the same view as ocean borne traders of the past centuries as they approached the mouth of the Han/Imjin river delta. It is an appropriate that the Cheongna City shall be developed as a gateway into Korea on this site, where the metaphorical “meeting of the waters” for culture, trade, language and ideas will be as vibrant and dynamic as the confluence of river and ocean.


The Translation of Central Theme to Form:

Because a river is a dynamic phenomenon, a continuous flowing serpentine volume of water being pulled towards the ocean by gravity, the primary inspiration was to examine the basic flow of water. The physics of the flow of water is Fluid Dynamics. A phenomenon discussed in the fluid dynamics called Braiding is fascinating in its elegance and intricacy, The braiding is appropriate for the idea of the tower and planning for Cheongna in the idea of weaving together different peoples, nations, North-South, East-West, Traditions-Modernity, to form a more vibrant and vital whole. This is similar to the analogy of weaker individual vines being braided together into a single stronger rope. The simplicity and strength inherent in the braid can also be a part of the architectonics of the Cheongna tower.

Sang Dae Lee, Sern Hong Yu, Calvin Lim, Joseph Lo, Cheng-I Lin


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