London children International ultra specialized cancer hospital
London children International ultra specialized cancer hospital
“Hospital re- read’’
(Definition – General)
What is architecture?
Everything starts with a question.
So, architecture which is a combination of science and art, and in other words, it has been defined as
a more tangible phenomenon in the depth of Today’s mankind.
This is a question that can be replied with an enigmatic view (vision) to the problem and
complication at the phenomenon.
Now, how the subject of hospital (cancer clinic) should be surveyed?
Shall we deal with it in the manner that is defined in the society or a semantic challenge in its
concept of social infrastructure should be investigated.
Everything started with a film, a film which has been made on the basis of the real life of physician
clothes and attitudes which had caused health to incurable patients.
Hence the concept of hospital must be reread. This guy who has engaged my mind and has taken me
to the world of meanings (concepts), not paradoxical but with numerous meanings and somehow to
rehabilitate them, is the answer of hospital enigma, which is the only way to find the reply.
The infants who are under the treatment in different hospitals all over the world, are prone to flee
(escape) from hospitals. Hatred of hospital ambience, depression and sadness can be observed in
their eyes.
They retard the education and recreation which is necessary for childhood. But in this hospital, this
sort of events does not occur. The hospital is not agonizing anymore. It is a place to share their
happiness and recreation along with education.
For the sure this hospital would be converted into a production center of meaning and we are too
much hopeful for this, because many incurable illnesses would be treated thee.
Theories and concepts
(Situational topology)
For the first time, we experience topologic energy line in the world of architectural ideology such as
event in the field of FOLDING ideology.
That means applying topology energy line to a construction and its general extension with such an
From topological point of view, I prefer that folding ideology which enjoys a wider vision for site
Topology, and with a view beyond the site topology to teach situation topology. So that the reason
of urban softening in a wider scope would be investigated and scrutinized.
For the first time I considered the subject of energy line in folding ideology among the architectures,
to define it and applying it to hospital project. In general, I will explain its approaches in the next
The original form and mould of hospital was a cube, which contained medical space beside the
educational, recreation, research spaces and conference room as well.
An oblong building which all the parts are regularly located in it.
The spatial concepts of hospital completed after being reread as we were fond of it, and the new
spaces were defined for it.
In this section of project, to create the spatial shape of project, I applied the subject of Topology
energy line to the original mould and body of building the energy line which defined the hospital
The start point of this energy line in situational topology was the Royal hospital and college of
London, which is counted as the symbol of the London Medical situates, and its ending point stands
for, symbol of recreation and amusement.
Therefore a reread for hospital which in a more clear expression is the recreation and education
hospital projects.
When vision and finally environment of individuals are changed, everything starts to be meaningful
and Peculiar events happen in the patients’ treatments which besides the exhaustive scientific
activities would bring an exceptional horizon in the psychological aspect of treatment.
The hospital is not inside a complex or collection but it is located in the context of the society so that
not to raise the separation sense?
in the society for patients.
The hospital mould is formed of two non-paradoxical concepts which are correlated. 1. Interior
mould which is an expertized defini??on of cancer 2. Exterior mould which is kind of sugges??ng sense
and in other words a logical function between RIZOM and catastrophe.
Definition of interior mould. There are millions of cells in human body which performing their duties
beside one another with a specific discipline. When somewhere in the body envisages a problem,
this cell commence to proliferate. When the proliferation is normal, no problem would raise. But
when it is not ceased and grows abnormally, cancer would be formed, and then an interior anarchy
(irregularity) and interruption is formed
and will spread independently.
Those Separated cells will create Tumors. The first mould which is a multi layer volume and
somehow intracellular discipline (order) suggestive is divided into two disconnected (torn) parts. The
second mould is the concept of hospital revival and for the collecting (gathering) and cure of first
mould, with logic will extend its meaning to extremity.
Ideas and keyword
1. Hospital is an evolu??on change and should be basis for another evolution.
2. Hospital is a paradigm and mandatory in enlightening era.
3. Hospital by energy line has a diagram with 90° rotation.
4. Hospital has a pluralis??c view to its related world.
5. Movement and vola??lity in horizon and space.
6. It imagines an unlimited, inaccessible display to the addressees.
7. Situa??on topology form diagram of earth to form of environment.
8. New mentalism because it is decentralized and in rela??on with urban spaces of London.
9. It is an alternative because it is somehow the precise reply of the question.
10. It combines irrelevant factors of hospital coherently.
11. Energy line defines some kind of so?? figura??ve and the final product is formed in this
(If it is combined with aesthetics
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