Take An Umbilical Cord--
Project for student’s art and musical space

The university students’ center of art and music is not only a building itself, but also an architecture which revives the existing surroundings and creates the new dialogue. The center is like the way of an umbilical cord to transmitting the nutrient to students. So, the main idea is “take an umbilical cord”. Umbilical cord is the only medium for transmitting the nutrient to baby from matrix. Although students’ center spiritually is a matrix that providing the nutrient, but essentially a series of spaces and facilities of activities is a medium for transmitting the skills, techniques, knowledge and abilities to students from school. Hence, the project try to make a connection with the several matrixes all around and let center be both of medium and matrix but not be a city itself.

3 types of umbilical cord:

The first one is the historical umbilical cord. It provides the nutrient of historical knowledge. The part is a sequence of historical passages and relics and it connects shiao-shimen relics and the gallery in the students’ center.

The second one is the being cultural umbilical cord. It comes from the NCKU library and extends to the field in front of the library. And then it connects the projection area of the students’ center and it goes down to the fan-shaped theatre of the students’ club finally.

The third one is the will-be art umbilical cord. After the art gallery and the black box theatre are completed, it will be a medium for connecting the activities field by ramp and the square at east-south side. And it makes the interactions at the activities spaces of club, and the other way, the activities spaces also connect both of areas.

The 3 types of umbilical cords make the communication and dialogue at the students’ center of art and music.



Chiou, Shiau-Lan


Shiau-Lan Chiou

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