Design is a complex of buildings of educational, cultural and commercial buildings in an historical location of Istanbul. Highly abandoned and forgotten coastal usage of this area will be rehabilitated by the design. The target is to increase of water relation between both people and city. For that reason, while designing the buildings, creating new pedestrian and bicycle ways, relaxition areas will be designed too. Axes will be transformed into circulation areas and these areas will reach the sea and be transformed into view platforms or sitting steps in different levels. Besides, education and cultural zones like workshops, exhibition halls will take, these units will be related with axes and will be permeable as much as possible to increase visual relations between sea and the other side of the sea.
While rehabilitating the coastal zone, also the urban texture was intervented too. The art school building took place in the urban texture while respecting the urban scale. So, not only the attraction of the coast was not tried to improve but also the relationship between the coast and urban was improved.