We were appointed by our client to produce drawings and a landscape design statement to support a detailed planning submission for this proposed 114 unit, 3.2ha residential development located at the edge Green Belt. The proposed built form is of a low density, with each unit having access to a private rear garden.

The majority of the public realm within the site adopts the principals of Home Zone, with carriageway and footway being on the same level. This design is to encourage vehicular traffic to move slowly and to give the pedestrian priority. Slower traffic speeds will also enable and encourage safe doorstep play. Three community pocket parks are accommodated within the site, two of which have dedicate play grounds.

Generally, each unit frontage accommodates one parking space, pedestrian access to the property and boundary planting. There are other small blocks of unallocated parking throughout the site.

The root protection areas of trees surrounding this sensitive site were carefully considered within in our proposals so as to minimise the potential impact of this development on their health.


