We were appointed by our client to produce drawings and a landscape design statement to support a detailed planning application for this proposed 220 unit, 3.5ha low density residential development located at the edge of an urban centre.

The proposed built form is of a low density and creates a variety of spaces. To the north boundary of the site three mews type courtyards are proposed. At the heart of the site three connected distinct public open space are proposed. The layout of the site adopts the principals of the ‘home zone’. It has been designed to encourage vehicular traffic to move slowly and to give the pedestrian priority.

Within our proposals two small parks, one pocket park, one paved pedestrian square are proposed. At three locations children’s playgrounds are proposed, these are comprised of both natural and structured play elements.

SUDS principals have been generally adopted to deal with the surface water drainage. In a number of locations swales have been introduced into the park to deal with some of the surface water run. Permeable paved surfaces are proposed widely across the site.


