Transnational Intersection: AN OPEN CALL FOR A NEW SOCIAL MOVEMENT!
In the state of nature, all man/woman is born equal. The unpreserved natural rights and the unlimited use of power lead to the prevention of the ''common good.'' In a world where injustice and inequality exist, the common good does not manifest itself as a collective responsibility. At this point, the individual should take a stand and use the ‘’right of act’’ in any situation that violates natural rights in a call to be made. This right to act comes from the essence of criticism and the power of activism. The point criticized within the scope of the architectural scenario will be slacktivism and the lack of collective action. For the social justice movement to continue, a solution is needed. Although the digital world is leading the way to be transnational, it is insufficient in the construction of transnational public spaces.
Today Alert!
We are in the formation of a world where the distrust towards authority is increased, the slightest injustice turns into violent propaganda, and activism is perceived only as slacktivism. In this atmosphere, where local solutions are no longer effective, a global organization is needed to put the concept of "natural right" out of rhetoric and put it into practice, as well as to call to protest against social injustice.
In the context of the scenario; the actors of the process made their voices heard to the United Nations and became a part of a transnational civil society network by activating the emergency action plan. The centers where the network will be articulated to the cities and call for a new form of activism have been determined. As a first phase of the action plan, the movement finds its voice through the Bosphorus bridge. The plan itself is to create the form of organization, not only to protest in one way but to influence the world public opinion with demonstrations and events by producing new strategies with participation.
Through the scenario, Istanbul Bosphorus Bridge is seen in this transnational formation as the symbol of the activism movement with its historical meaning and static stance in the city. With articulating the bridge, the movement uses architecture as a tool to communicate and generate resistance spaces. As spatial requirements of a civil society center; in addition to the movement/dispute offices and transnation ateliers, data-media labs and tech-in areas are also included in the program together with the manifestation stage and encounter cells with the non-linear mechanism of transnation, organization, intersection and reflection.
The transnational community center, a reflection of the common attitude and action at both ends of the world, creates an area beyond the control of the state and companies while pointing to interaction in a community-based leaderless and hierarchical structure. Thus, the new decentralized center of the movement creates a public intersection between the bridge and its own being and creates the “choreography of assembly” to call to humanity to reshape our present into a good future with its spatial strategies.
Now; by using our power and networks, we are social justice advocates as a part of a global mechanism to ensure social justice with the idea of an equal, free and rational individual.
A Transnational community center articulated over the Bosphorus Bridge, aiming to create the intersection of publicity between the voids generated by the deck and the pylons with the steel structural system that works together with the existed bridge structure.
Designer: Ceren Erguler
Instructors: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ülkü İnceköse, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ebru Yılmaz
Transnational Intersection by Ceren Erguler in Turkey won the WA Award Cycle 40. Please find below the WA Award poster for this project.
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