Reforest Union is located in The First Square in Taichung City, Taiwan. Adjacent to Taichung Main Railway Station, it was once the main social area of Southeast Asian cultural communities, and multicultural integration has become our design main core.
Since Taiwan are accepting more southeast culture and embracing the worker to our community. Here will be the best spot for Taiwanese to step foot into their culture and get to blend the life style through the area.
Twenty years ago the area was the center of the city. It's fading cause of the shift in the main business block. This moment it plays the role of a multicultural region and a bridge between the railway and the main commercial center. But until now there is no good balance between urban exhibition, transportation, public space and life quality .
Air pollution is synonymous with the city. Because of the establishment of Thermal power station and people's traffic habits, air pollution has become the main environmental problem in this city. Through this design to achieve a balance and connection between multiculturalism, the environment and human, and the past and the future.
In this area we focus on the transportation, green belt, and house pattern and density.
The new green corridor divides the commercial and residential areas. It is hoped that the residents of this area will have more leisure space and better quality of life in addition to the convenience of life.
The original road network has also been changed in this area. Through systematic lane diversion, changes in lane width and more convenient series of public transport systems, it would effectively save the main traffic problem in the city center.
Surrounding buildings also have more room to change due to changes in the hinterland. Vertical patterns of living change the height and density of the house, so residents prefer to leave space for gardens and green spaces to improve the Environmental conditions.
The sky garden on the top floor is not only for ornamental plants, but also a complete autonomous cycle of greenhouses to grow cash crops, grain and flowers. Electricity also has a way of providing power to the entire tower with solar glass and a few amount of Bio-gas. About the material we have breakthrough strategy. EX: hard bamboo, Translucent Wood and Power-generating glass. Through this transformation, we hope to significantly reduce environmental costs and burdens in a high-quality living environment.
1. "Hard bamboo.” Not only it successfully improve the load capacity, but also maintain the elasticity of bamboo. Bamboo is available quickly and in large quantities in Southeast Asian countries plus shorter growth times. So it's the material we're mainly using .
2. "Translucent Wood" the light transmission of the glass was successfully replaced by a wooden structure.
3. “Power-generating glass”. Not only the automatic temperature control system, but also the generating glass . Each piece of glass is a solar panel to achieve self-sufficiency in electricity.
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology/ RWTH AAchen/Leibniz Universität Hannover
Associate Professor (leader): Yan-Ting Chen
members: Chao Chun Kung
Pei Chi Tasi
Chun Te Lee
Chang Ting Lin