The Chongqing Jinke Bocuishan Sales Office is located near mountains and rivers. The design inspiration came from the stone, water, wood and metal. The designer is looking for the modern impression on the basis of Asian atmosphere.

The style of Jinke Bocuishan Sales Office reaches a balance between the traditional style and the modern style. The furniture is carefully selected by the designer which is comfortable and durable. Each artwork contains the thoughts of the designer and has eastern touch. A sales space with new Asian charm is created. Jinke Bocuishan Sales Office won the first prize in the project competition of Jinke Group in Chongqing area of the year 2017.



Project Name: Chongqing Jinke Bocushan Sales Office
Design Company: AOD Design
Project Location: Chongqing
Time of Completion: Sep., 2017
Photographer: Young
