ARCADIS 1 is located in Mati 1 quarter, a new urban development in Prishtina.
Green places consist 30% of the space and are placed in the back of the building
for the safety of the residents. The basement is used only for parking and
technical purposes. The subterranean is used only for public purposes such as
shops, markets etc. The 4 upper floors will be used for residential purposes. It is
important to mention the penthouses where the functionality is well used, and there
are green places in the terrace where you can see the city of Prishtina. Most of
the apartments are oriented in the south.
The architecture of the building is designed using mainly two materials, the brick
and the white wall façade. Pure geometrical forms have been used such as cube
with middle intersection to create the best connection between the architecture
and the functionality of the building.
Arcadis Team