Title: Creative Park for the Growth and Blossoming of Children and Adolescents

The creative park for children and adolescents is a unique space designed to create a cheerful and educational environment for children. It is not only a play area but also a strategic base for the intellectual, social, and artistic growth of children, directly influencing the formation of their character.

Key Elements:

Specialized Staff:
In this park, dedicated and skilled staff assist children in enhancing their skills. These professionals, with expertise in educational and training fields, employ innovative teaching methods and engaging educational games to encourage the children's growth.

Specialized Sections:
The park is divided into specialized sections, each focusing on a specific aspect of children's abilities. These sections include arts, sciences, social activities, and even sports.

Educational Games:
Through specially designed games that encourage creative thinking and problem-solving, children naturally identify and strengthen their talents with enjoyment.

Open and Green Spaces:
The open and green spaces in this park serve as the intersection between nature and children's activities. Here, they can connect with the environment and benefit from the outdoor space for play and learning.

The creative park for children and adolescents is not just a recreational space but a platform for the growth of active, creative, and intelligent young individuals. By providing diverse educational opportunities, this space allows children to discover their best selves and move towards a valuable future.



The design initially started manually through sketches, later transitioning into a three-dimensional representation using software such as Revit. Various rendering engines were employed to enhance the visual aspects. The process predominantly involved the creation of distinct objects, with most components being built separately.

This hands-on approach, beginning with manual sketches and evolving into detailed 3D models using Revit and multiple rendering engines, allowed for a meticulous exploration of the design's elements. The segmentation of different parts facilitated the construction of diverse objects, contributing to a comprehensive and detailed final design.

Project Team Introduction:

Our project team comprises three civil engineers, a consultant with a direct link to the municipal authorities, and myself as the project designer.

Lead Civil Engineer - [Name]:
[Name], our lead civil engineer, brings extensive experience and technical prowess to the project. His/her role is pivotal in ensuring the structural integrity and compliance with civil engineering standards.

Civil Engineer - [Name]:
[Name], a dedicated civil engineer, plays a key role in the execution of the project. With a focus on [specific civil engineering expertise], [he/she] contributes valuable insights to the construction and development phases.

Civil Engineer - [Name]:
[Name], another skilled civil engineer on our team, adds depth to our technical capabilities. His/her proficiency in [relevant civil engineering skills] enhances the overall engineering competence of the project.

Municipal Liaison Consultant - [Name]:
[Name], our consultant with direct ties to the municipal authorities, serves as a crucial link between our team and the local government. His/her expertise ensures alignment with municipal regulations and guidelines.

Project Designer - [Your Name]:
I, [Your Name], lead the design aspects of the project. With a focus on creativity and innovative design solutions, I guide the team in translating concepts into a visually compelling and functionally efficient final design.

As a collaborative unit, our team leverages the collective skills and knowledge of its members, creating a synergy that is integral to the success of the project.


davoud hayati