zU-studio creates an adoratorium for the first polette Showroom in Mexico
Mexico City , December 2023
The first polette showroom in Mexico City will be located at Plaza Satélite and will be open to the public in December 2023

polette Showroom Mexico City
Continuing its fast-growing journey into revolutionizing the optical industry, polette opens a new showroom in Mexico City.
After the spectacular project of polette Paris and polette Antwerp showrooms, polette has collaborated once again with Javier Zubiria, founder of zU-studio international architectural firm .
Pierre Wizman (CEO at polette) and Javier Zubiria (Founder at zU-studio) have created several strong concepts for polette showrooms, they propose to turn the world upside down in Paris with an inverted pyramid, while in Antwerp they have built the first store in the world that is a giant instrument that invite the visitors play a song together on a clear tribute to John Lennon´s Imagine song.
polette keeps designing iconic showrooms that are unique for each single context but they are all part of the same language and aesthetics , white, neutral and inclusive .

The showrooms are very delicate , minimal and sober , almost like art galleries .
polette will be presenting, on this occassion, an adoratorium (adoratorio in spanish) , clearly inspire don the ancient adoratoriums in Mexican culture .
Adoratoriums were urban sculptures to adore something or someone. In this case , Adoratorio de Ehecatl , is a symbol in mexican culture that celebrates the spiritual dimension of the human kind .
A place to reflect about the for winds of the Universe .
An adoratorium is a place to adore , the space to allow the feeling or expression of reverence and adoration of a deity.
A room in a temple for the adoration of idols.

This project aims to explore new functions for our cities . Having discovered a function as an adoratorium, that these days in many cultures might seem unknown, made us inmediately ask ourselves some questions :

Who were our referents on ancient times ?
Who are our referents on our current society ?
Who do we admire in contemporary culture ?

The project is a tribute to ancient wisdom and sensibility to have a deep spiritual relationship .
The first polette showroom is a reinterpretation of an adoratorium in shape of a kiosk , that will be open and accesible for the visitors. A very light transparent structure that will have a central fountain where visitors will be able to custom made the glasses.

Mexico City , Plaza Satélite

Creators : Pierre Wizman, Christiane Hajj , Javier Zubiria
Architecture : zU-studio ( www.zu-studio.com )
Constructor : Tars Design www.tarsdesign.com.mx Giselle Chávez , Uriel Colin, Alberto Montiel
Photography : Gladys Ayub , Chiquini

Press contact:

zU-studio : Javier Zubiria 34 607664515 [email protected]



Adoratoriums were urban sculptures to adore something or someone. In this case , Adoratorio de Ehecatl , is a symbol in mexican culture that celebrates the spiritual dimension of the human kind .
A place to reflect about the for winds of the Universe .
An adoratorium is a place to adore , the space to allow the feeling or expression of reverence and adoration of a deity.

Creators : Pierre Wizman, Christiane Hajj , Javier Zubiria
Architecture : zU-studio ( www.zu-studio.com )
Constructor : Tars Design www.tarsdesign.com.mx Giselle Chávez , Uriel Colin, Alberto Montiel
Photography : Gladys Ayub , Chiquini


Gladys Ayub Chiquini