Kish Island is one of the most important islands of Iran.

The mosque's prominent location in the southeastern part of the site, coupled with the presence of a vast east-west axis extending approximately one kilometer, creates an exceptionally broad and desirable panoramic view. The preservation of this wide vista has been considered concerning the height of the human line of sight.

Symbolizing the seven skies, the square's design incorporates seven concentric circles, representing the seven stages of love and the respective position of each martyr within these celestial stages. Moreover, cube-shaped prisms of varying dimensions and heights, strategically positioned within the human line of sight, metaphorically represent the martyrs of the Iraq-Iran war, reflecting diverse social and cultural classes of society. the green color, emblematic of martyrdom and Ashura culture, these prisms are arranged randomly within the seven concentric circles. The proximity of these circles to the center symbolizes unity with the source and core of the universe, signifying the truth of God.

The incorporation of green space denotes paradise for those who follow the path of truth. At the heart of the field, a radiant blue cylinder serves as a symbol of the water of life, immortality, and unity, thus concluding the symbolic movement of the cubes towards the light. During the nighttime, light comes vertically from the center of this cylinder towards the sky, symbolizing the illumination of truth and helping as an urban sign.


Main Materials: Stone

Architect: AmirHossein Alavizadeh


AmirHossein Alavaizadeh