Three illusions
- 1. Museum-Spirit. Creating sense of dematerialization . Makes people understand, that reality is not necessarily visible.
We create the illusion of invisibility with the help of mirror surfaces. This effect increases with spectator’s moving toward designed point of observation, until complete illusive disappearing of the construction part happens.
- 2. People in the sky.
We create the illusion, that the upper glass volume is dangling in the air with people inside. The affect is achieved thanks to the invisibility illusion of the lower part.
- 3. People on the Earth.
We create the illusion of people, walking under the dandling volume to increase the illusion of invisibility.

To create the illusion of invisibility we use four mirror surfaces:
- Trapping screen - installed on the back wall of the construction - reflects the environmental image to the first transmitting screen.
- Transmitting screens - transmit the image under the construction, adding reflection of the monument and people, walking between the screens {providing illusion 3}.
- Representing screen - creates the illusion of invisibility, reflecting image from the second transmitting screen to the spectator directly.

We chose the center point of the main sight ground as the designed point of observation. A man, observing the construction from this point, will fill complete illusion of invisibility. We developed a scheme of reflected lines of sight in order to find curves of transmitting screens sections. Trapping and representing screens’ sections have to be rectilinear and lop-sided, as it is shown on the scheme. All the screens’ plans have to be sectors of circle with the center in the designed point of observation and narrowing up to the center.



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