Today, Global warming has already begun to show its effects as extreme weather events such as droughts and floods, as well as rising sea levels. Humans have caused the world to warm by about 1.0 centigrade degrees compared to pre-industrial times. Which makes all the difference.

46% of global greenhouse gas emissions that cause climate change are due to the electricity sector, and 72% of them are due to coal use. With the international efforts intensified, the role of coal in the energy system has begun to be questioned.
The Paris Agreement is an international climate agreement that aims to keep the global average temperature rise at 1.5 centigrade degrees. The parties have submitted their National Contribution Statements (NDCs) containing roadmaps on how to limit greenhouse gases and how to get out of coal energy.
If greenhouse gas emissions continue as they are, global warming will exceed 1.5 degrees Celsius between 2030 and 2052.

Turkey's National Declaration of Contribution (NDC) announced in 2015 is not in line with the Net Zero target. Studies carried out, Turkey has only been able to “decrease in increase”.
According to the Climate Transparency G20 Report, some countries, including Turkey, will most likely face water scarcity and drought. Most G20 members will experience agricultural impacts; Food insecurity will emerge, with dwindling crops and precipitation.
The fact that the decision-making mechanisms in Turkey still have not drawn a clear roadmap, act with inadequate policies, manipulate the climate data and do not accept the approaching situation, even though there is no day to lose, shows that we are far behind in dealing with this crisis and that we are rapidly approaching the inevitable end.

Realizing that it is too late, with an active plan still unfinished, and struggling with troubles such as floods, fires, bad air quality, and extreme heat every year, the public, rights defenders and activists rise up against the government and raise a CODE-RED. The people are now in a position of resistance. Against the stored or manipulated climate data, they will organize to reach the unmanipulated data and will also start their attempts to prepare their inevitable future. They take their first steps in Soma, which had fertile agricultural lands before nature was destroyed and whose role in this crisis is huge.
On the one hand, Code Red, which will be effective in revealing the manipulated climate data in order to raise awareness in the society, also begins to collect data on food and soil ,that can still be produced, in their banks. In this way, they will be able to make 'data-based crop design' when there is no production in the world in the future.

With the depletion of the reserves in the Soma coal mines, mining activities begin to spread to the Eynez region and the relocation of Eynez Village comes to the agenda. For this reason, after the destruction border is determined, the southern destruction border is focused on as the area where the most urgent action should be taken. Through the scenario, in a 3 kilometer destruction line, resistance uses architecture as a stopping force at the edge of the coal mines. It was aimed to weave the topography itself like a border against the coal mines and to become a part of the space at the focal point of this border. A space of resistance and future, which draws the border by standing between the destroyed and the untouched, exists with this state of being a border was designed.


Through the relationship between the masses, which move on top of each other by adapting to the topography and thus forming the border, interior and exterior voids are designed in the space.

Location: Soma/Manisa/Turkey

Designer : Behiye Sezin Genç
Instructor: Ebru Yılmaz, Ülkü İnceköse

CODE RED by Behiye Sezin Genç in Turkey won the WA Award Cycle 41. Please find below the WA Award poster for this project.

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