Heritage is the asset that enables us to learn about the cultures of societies that lived in the past. Understanding heritage helps us gain basic data about the societal forces that affect our own lives, create simple awareness.
Our present society is the result of the experiences and values of past societies. So, in order to understand today's society, we need to understand the past. In that case Archeology has a bıg ımportance. We are dırectly gaın ınformatıon from thıngs that came from past wıth Archeology. Archeology is a branch of science that researches and documents the cultural and social order of human societies that lived in the past, based on the material remains that have survived to the present day and tries to interpret by examining the development process. Archeology has many-sub braches.
Experimental archeology is the most important sub-branch of archeology for experiencing the past. Studies in experimental archeology are the examining and re-enactment of events. Experimental archeology allows us, by testing, to experience events as close to reality as possible. This experience helps us to experience the thoughts of the people who made or witnessed the event, to understand why the way was applied, how it was done, and for looking at the events from different perspectives. As a result, while answering some questions about the event, it also provides some new questions. This cycle allows us to learn more about the past and ask new questions that will trigger our curiosity.
To sum up, by making use methods of experimental archeology, I desıgned an experience and awareness area where people can learn about the history of İzmir and gain awareness of archeology.
Izmır ıs an ımportant regıon ın terms of archeologıcal sıtes. It contaıns 17 ancıent cıtıes withın ıts borders.
One of them ıs Agora. Agora is located at the intersectıon of two important axes of Izmir. Anafartalar street is a pedestrian axes comes from Kemeraltı to Basmane traın statıon and Gazı Osman Pasa ıs important traffıc axes of Izmir. Mezarlıkbaşı bus station and Çankaya metro station feed the pedestrian density in this area. According to ıntervıews we conducted around the Agora, the area is insufficient to enhance awareness of the Agora’s history. Visitors can’t engage with the Agora’s past because they can’t visit it consciously. The area I designed will inform people about the past of the agora and raise awareness about archaeological excavations.
While creating the main theme of the building, I got help from the baulks used in archaeological excavations. I divided the land into 5x5m square areas. In order to carry out archeologıcal research, it is necessary to go down to a certain depth. For his reason, I pulled down the squares I dıvıded at different levels. The parking lot was creatıng a barrıer between the entrance of the Agora and the part where two important axes of Izmir meet. In order not to cause such an ınterruptıon, I kept 5x5 squares near the normal level. I raısed the structure and created openings for terraces, workshops and gallery spaces. I extended some prats Accordıng to see views.
Thıs structure consıst of two maın parts: Excavatıon Areas, Dıscoverıng Zones. Excavatıng Areas consıst of open spaces: Archeology Workshops to give informatıon about archeologıcal methods. Excavatıon Sıtes, in these areas visitors can practıce what they learned from archeological workshops and at the bottom of these sites they can work with professionals. Scıentıfıc Archeologıcal Sıtes, area that archeological researches continue and there is history line that use as inform people about history of Izmır
Instead of Excavatıon Areas, Dıscoverıng Zones consıst of closed spaces. There are Experımental Archeology Workshops, that people gain experience about arts and crafts used in past. Conference Room, to preparing seminars. Recreatıng Zones that people see some vıews from Izmır and ınterpret them through storytellıng methods.
This build was created according to a scenario. I desıgned one year later version of my structure. I try to adapt constructıon process to archeologıcal research. First week, the car park is demolished, and the area is cleared to the foundatıon. Superficial archeologıcal excavatıons and researches are carried out until the 5th month. At the same time, structure is started to build. According to researches some parts filled agaın to build excavation workshops and practice areas. At the end of the first year, the discovering zones build. As the project progresses, the excavation areas will gradually disappear, and finally, the Discovering zones will remain suspended and connect with Agora.


Excavation Areas
Enterance: 50m2
History Line
Exploring Areas
Closed Excavation Sites: 100m2
Semi-Open Excavation Workshops

Discovering Zones
Archeological Information Area: 90m2
Experimental Archeology Workshops: 90m2
Tea Shop: 25m2
Recreating Zones: 90m2

Designer: Kürşat Sarpkaya
Instructors: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ebru Yılmaz, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ülkü İnceköse


Kürşat Sarpkaya