With the effect of scientific revolutions, the modernization of society, the French and industrial revolutions brought about economic modernization. The main dynamics of this economic modernization are industrialization and the capitalist system as a whole. In this context, the party that dominates the data today constitutes the main wheels of the capitalist system.
There is a colonial attitude towards nature in the structure of the capitalist system. Any program aimed at reducing environmental pollution, resource consumption and unnecessary energy will reduce profits and harm the production-consumption balance. For this reason, there is a parasitic relationship between man and nature in capitalism. Nature acts only as a host organism in this order. This attitude also causes environmental damage.
On the other hand, the capitalist system takes its power from money and capital. Slavery, which is the product of capitalism in the past, continues today by being modernized. Organizations and revolts are the result of modern slavery.
The destructions caused by the modern society and capitalist relationship are also seen in the Soma Mining Region through environmental and social channels.
When we look at the environmental destructions in Soma; In the fertile areas where the mines are established, the physical environment is damaged and many pollutants from the mines damage the ecological cycles and cause air, water and soil pollution. This situation not only threatens human life, but also causes a decrease in biological diversity and the destruction of ecosystems that play vital roles.
When we look at the social damage; Even though Soma has fertile agricultural lands, mining has become the preferred profession in the region because it cannot receive sufficient economic support. However, since the capitalist system prevails in the mines, workers' rights are disregarded, and many accidents occur in parallel. At the same time, harmful gases from mines bring health problems. Not collecting enough data on these issues also harms human rights and freedoms by preventing the public from facing the facts.
Considering all these problems, I chose Imbat Mining Operation, which is mining with a closed system in the Soma Mining Area, as a residential area. When we look at the current site plan and area analysis; The mining is located in a forest. It can reach Soma, Eğnez and open coal operation via the highway. Access to the coal galleries is provided through 2 mine entrances and cracks caused by the mines on the surface can be seen.
Accordingly, I set up the scenario in 3 stages: take control, create memory, transfer memory and take action.
The activist group, organized against the destruction caused by the coal mines in Eğnez, infiltrates the crack caused by the mine on the surface. Later, this activist group advances to the mine gates and seizes the gates, stopping the operation of the mine.
The activist group that captured the mine widens the rift, creating a larger main rift where the mine gates are located. Meanwhile, certain parts of the road are splitting and the road becomes unusable, preventing access to other mining enterprises. Then, in the main rift, opposite the captured mine entrances, spaces are placed where necessary data are collected, researches are carried out and activism is created so that all mines can be closed in the future.
In addition to the constructed spaces, a memory route is added in front of and behind the spaces so that the destruction caused by the mines is never forgotten. And this memory route; sometimes by using the transitions on the platforms where the spaces are located, it connects with each other and sometimes with the facing cavities. After the spatializations were completed, the first closed road was redesigned along and parallel to the slit in order to make the actuality produced here more visible. In this way, users sometimes have to face the facts while driving straight on the road and sometimes while crossing bridges. In addition to this; The walking path created in the forest from Eğnez to Soma, sometimes parallel to the crevice and sometimes passing over it, reaches the door opening from the mines to nature. In this way, he joins the order of the building through a dramatic way and reveals the duality as a whole.
Depending on the scenario, the venues consist of 3 stages.
First stage; On the surface of the slit opposite the mine entrances, a recess was dug to accommodate the spaces and a frame system was installed inside. The spaces are designed and placed according to the spaces in the frame system created.
In the second stage; The hollow world, which is part of the memory route, is formed on the opposite surface of the spaces. Inside this cavern world, platforms are placed where the data of the destructions caused by the mines at different elevations will be given.
In the third stage; Through bridges, a connection is established between spaces and the cave world. Bridges are carried by the framing system that continues in the slit cavity. The elements of the framework system sometimes overflow from the crevice to the earth, thus referring to the operational identity of this place.


The crack, which is the main element of the project, was formed by the enlargement and carving of the crack that existed on the surface, caused by the mine.
Area: 10,000 square meters
Location: Manisa/Turkey

Architect: Bengisu Ünal
Instructors: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ebru Yılmaz, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ülkü İnceköse


Bengisu ÜNAL

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