Green Tehran apartment
Considering population growth in major cities has led people to live in apartments and to spend many hours of the day because of covid and social distancing , remote working in apartment environments an issue can be considered and it is creating conditions for individuals in apartments to be able to cover cultural and social needs so that an incident like corona won`t effect their psychological condition .because of what is ruling the living styles of modern human comes from capitalist idea which has altered the concept of living space from home into some consuming product and by creating a competition market by homogenization of possibilities for many individuals in a specific space will cause in forgetting the spiritual quality in living space and has created concerns which was mentioned above . in this project the main focus has been on the returning the life force into the mega city apartments in iran which are only a dormitory space . in the last year with the beginning of the pandemic and quarantining the cities it has raised this question if the Iranian families knew that there will be a day which they have to be isolated would they still choose these homes ?
In response it must be said negligence and self centered designs in our today society has caused chaos and anonymity in the cities . inconsistency and heterogeneity of each building with another building considering that a design is not isolated and self centered the main effort in this design has been by adherence to the principles and values of culture . nature and economy to provide a proper model with relying on the possibility of vertical growth to be replaced in today spaces in align with living styles that used to exist in old neighborhoods of iran and today because of population growth and lack of space has been ignored . noticing that nature is the important discussion among the principles of design and is effective in the levels of mind and physics of humanity to answer to ever existing need of humanity which is being connected to the nature and open space also the Iranian philosophy which can be seen in its architecture the Green Tehran apartment is a combination of social and private spaces . the existence of open and social spaces like green spaces and sport gym in the third floor and existence of the green space on the roof has caused in the creation of a vertical neighborhood for the residents and impowering communication between them and return of of the nture to the routine life something that has been forgotten in this era but the necessity of it is strongly felt today .
During this project three of residential units with different aspects and spaces has been designed to answer the needs of the families in different numbers and different financial situations .
Important point is that stair in the Green Tehran apartment is not a dark , small use space without air current but it has been place in the middle of the building and acts like a spine for the building . as a matter of a fact stairs here are an active element for the both fronts of the building , a connection between two half space of the building and is an element for separating spaces . stair in this project is an strong tree which has grown to the upside of the building and two half of the building are the branches of this strong building . by the proper positioning and proper designing of stairs in this project it has been tried to make the building to seem like a museum for the user that by going through these stairs have a daily view of it so that the lost current of life posses it once again .
Project name : Green Tehran apartment
Site location : Tehran, Iran
Design year : 2021
Project Architect : Amir Tahmoures
Presentation by : Amir Tahmoures