Building a private villa is not an experience that any person can live in their life. Many families living in the villa have not made their own villa or have either purchased or live in rent. The number of people who have the chance to make their own villa in their own place according to their own dreams, needs and opportunities is quite small. In fact, we know that in the past, when people lived predominantly in rural areas, each family built their own houses on a particular piece of land. Nowadays, it is much better to realize this issue with the help of experts because of the fact that the land is difficult to find and expensive, as well as many expertise and legal procedures in construction-related issues come into play.
Villa construction is expensive and quite detailed process. In order to learn step by step how to make your dream villa and minimize the mistakes, it is useful to be aware of at least the processes that describe villa construction in the following 10 titles.
Villa Construction in 10 Items
1. Identification of needs and expectations
2. Location detection
3. Budget
4. Architectural and interior design
5. Engineering solutions
6. Execution of official transactions
7. Rough construction
8. Fine structure construction
9. Things to consider in villa life
10. Investment villa
It has become a great privilege in today’s world to have the opportunity to make your own villa. Economic conditions and very limited time make it impossible for a large mass. This business is an important investment for an average family by making serious costs and decisions. Therefore, this issue, which contains very intense emotional decisions, must go through logical processes of the same intensity. We can briefly refer to the 10 titles related to the Villa construction mentioned above.



When you decide to build a villa, you should keep in mind that it is also a serious investment. Life conditions may not always be the same as today and you may want to sell your villa one day in the future. When planning and building your private villa with such circumstances in mind, it is a good idea to make sure that what you do also has a significant investment value. Then, when you build a villa with an improper design that is unlikely to be sold, you may have made an irreversible decision. For this reason, it will be a safer option for your family to check the pulse of the market and build a project that is as convenient as possible for its location and will increase in value as time goes on. A well-planned, spatial revision in a room, suitable for making various rooms or annexes, without any technical expenses, will be attractive and preferable for everyone. This will not only increase the value of your villa, but also make it easier to sell at any time. In real estate investment, the ease of disposal as well as the value of the property is an important element to be considered.

Afif Yamani
