esign style usually uses monochromatic colors and giving masculine accent. Some of the materials used also tend to be rough like metal and steel which are intentionally exposed to show their character. The material used also uses recycled materials or industrial materials such as glass, iron, and aluminum which are processed in such a way that can be used as an attractive interior element.
Columns or roof structures are often left clearly visible, some are finishing, but some are unfinished. One of the most visible of industrial style is the exposure of the appearance of bricks. There are also bricks painted in bright colors such as white or shade like gray. The use of concrete floors is also often applied to give a strong impression.
The furniture used tends to be without finishing and more shows the original color. Wood furniture is usually not painted, but only refined to anticipate termites. Iron, aluminum and stainless furniture are also not painted at all, but are left as they are as authentic materials
This style is usually functionally designed with a strong technical background. The material that looks like is showing nuances related to the industrial world. This design is usually used by residents who want a residential atmosphere with a rough and masculine appearance.
Concrete is often used for old factory buildings, both for floors and building structures. Concrete is widely used in 19th century industrial factories because of its strong, low cost, and durable.
10 acres site with 6lac sq.ft. of built up area