The Exodus is a station used for migratory birds stopover as well as a bridge for human to observe birds in their natural habitat. Indonesia is a country with the biggest migration routes, no wonder because Indonesia is the most southern tropical country in Asia which is suitable for most birds to live while winter strike the northern hemisphere. One of the bird stopover located in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (A City in Southern part of Java Island, Indonesia), local bird researcher has recorded more than 45 migratory bird species in the south shore of D.I.Y alone. However, several flocks of migratory bird perched in urban area, some consider their presence as a wonderful phenomenon, but others may find it as a nuisance and try to harm or exterminate them, which is a common occurrence in developing countries such as China, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia, and many other. If this ignorance still going on, it means a threat toward 80% pollinator and seed disperser around the world. The word Exodus is a concept of moving misguided migratory birds in urban areas to designated nature preserve located in the south shore of Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. This project ‘embrace’ nature as an education and recreation center while also utilizing biogas from organic waste to be converted into electric resource, and making brackish water purifier to supply local water demand. At the core of it, The Exodus is a place that encourage people to learn how to create a better place for other living beings in the world.
Building Intervention : 11.5%
Site Area : 505.558 sqm
Typology : Animal Rehabilitation center
Location : Pantai Baros, Tirtohargo, Kretek, Bantul Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta
Video Link : The Exodus Bird Sanctuary Preserve (
Martin Adriel Purnomo
The Exodus : A Station For Migratory Birds by Martin Adriel Purnomo in Indonesia won the WA Award Cycle 35. Please find below the WA Award poster for this project.
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