Sharks Aqualife Studies complex
Is a complex which includes a Research centre that allow researchers to come up with new knowledge, Exhibition area for the public to know more about shark's life and diving station for both researchers and public to discover more.

The project has a main problem affecting the conceptual scenarios. This problem consists of three pillars
1- Sharks live long lives, mature slowly and reproduce less than many other marine creatures.
2- Sharks risk being driven to extinction due to overfishing.
3- Sharks in the red sea are not so widespread. Accordingly, the key solutions to reducing the impacts of the problems is to aware and educate.

Project objectives:

To decrease the water pollution.
To discover new solutions to preserve the natural marine life and the ecosystem.

Provide an interactive environment between researchers and students.
Provide a place where the community can learn, enjoy and socialize with each other.

-Culture and Educational
Provide a research centre that will focus mostly on sharks.
Having exhibitions that enhance conservation and awareness.

-Touristic and Economic
Enhance the tourism, and therefore the city’s economy.
Attract local and international snorkelers, sea divers and shark lover to promote tourism.



Reham Mohsin Alamoudi
Supervised by : Dr. Hossam Elsamaty


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