tromp l’oeil

in a stage where consumerism is converted into a cultured representation of society, very often, architecture plays the role of bait - space, images, lights, interaction collaborate to create an unique emotional experience.

the insertion of a “natural” element in an artificial context like a shopping center acts like a provocation to our senses. such hyperrealistic technique as the vegetable wall is used here to create the illusion or perception of another spatial “reality” - tromp l’oeil.
taking advantage of the store’s existing geometric irregularity and its location, a false perspective is created - the vegetable wall converts to a tridimensional outside the building’s limits. this space overflowing enlarges the perception of space.



Dolce Vita Monumental Shopping Center, Lisbon, Portugal

Vertical Garden Design (Michael Hellgren)

Armando Cancelinha

Leonardo Finotti

Daniela Silva


Leonardo Finotti

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