The Earth experiences alteration on its surface everyday and with the world developing rapidly, the urban area constantly modify as time goes by. The constant change of trend leads to a constant change of topic, ideas and even personalities. City life is harder to cope with than anyone could imagine. It takes one to be capable of adapting to the environment and
incesserntly update new knowledges of things that are happening around them. It goes the same for design, where forms of design is changing through time, creating a non-coherent feature throughout the city. However, ignoring the form of a building, a bag or even a phone, the approach in designing its function remains the same.

The ‘Flexi Garden’ is a mini garden that is capable of orientating itself within a space and providing owners the opportunity to easily move the mini garden or plants to suit the owners taste and personality. The aim of the design was to create something very minimal and would adapt itself to any surrounding, timeline, owner and towards the current trend. It is capable of extracting itself to create 4 seperate smaller garden which is great in filling up empty pocket spaces around the city. The garden which has wheels at the bottom offers easy movement and orientation whenever a change is needed.

This mini garden is 3.8m by 3.8m as a whole and is later divided into 4 components with each at 1.9m by 1.9m in dimension. The division allows manual orientation with no limitation. Assuming all components are attached as there are within the white space, turning each ‘smaller’ garden provides different spatial space and ambience.

The orientation provides very tight pathway among the plants. The idea is to engage visitors with the garden, making them concentrate and be aware of the limitation. This forms a relationship, distracting a persons mind from the constant change of the surrounding, putting them in a world of their own while enjoying themselves around the small garden.

As the garden is capable of detach, the garden can be put on a linear form depending on site requirement, or clusters or little pods is also possible. A garden is somewhat llike an art.
Decorating and arranging in itself is already inhabiting a person into creative mode. Hence, I design it in a way to look like a canvas, the ever changing green potrait, that resides only to the owner.

The components within the white area are meant to be flexible elements. This allow the owner to have full control on the design, the plants to be planted, or any extra ornaments that would put onto the garden. This allow no limitation to what can be done. As mention, easily adapting to the surrounding and culture is key, hence pattern infinity.


