The Building is fully designed with Art in Architecture as many different form of characters lead to form of the building, shows itself. The building will be full of sustainable energy and will consume natural energy for all its power necessicity. The project is conceptual proposal for the Art & cultural centre. The surroundings has been focused to give more greenery to create a fresh and eco friendly environment to the visitors.The project building will be consisting of art n drama theatres, musueum, banquet hall, restaurants, Art and Painting galleries, +Research Galleries, development centres, play areas for Children, Movie theatre, Seminar and Concert halls, multi-dance studios, disco theques and aerobic centres, historical monumental and memorial zones, Outdoor parks and public Square, special floricultural garden, etc....The building will also have its own Spa and health treatment centre, mini shopping mart, first aid, swimming pool...



Architect: Sakar Shrestha
Consultancy: Reverie Designs


suchita Bajracharya-Pranab Joshi

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