Project created for Instant House- international competition in Milan. The theme was that of a temporary residential mini unit, linked to the presence of young people-students
with high levels of territorial mobility connected to particular metropolitan events.Projects has to responding to the problem of urban noise and air pollution.Instant house inspired by shape of water towers and grain silos is extremly easy to bulit ( diagram “transportation”) The concept includes three concrete cylinders, made from styrofoam concrete (which increases the acoustics and insulation and is twelve times lighter than normal concrete). Used concrete contains TI02, which will reduce air pollution and will be possible in future production of concrete from rice husks which reduce carbon dioxide emissions during the making process.We suggested two differentlocations. First localization is the kilometre south from fiera rho (MADEexpo lokalization) in the walking distance are located three subway stations
, highway parking , sport facilities and artificial lake. The second location is an old maserati factory.




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