Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological university, Lonere, Alibaug, India.
This is an Administrative and Academic complex of an University, situated in west maharasthtra state of India. Building is designed in association with . The building situated in a campus 550 acres in area. This building has been designed as a main complex of the university and has its programme as 1. A Vice chancellor’s block, 2. Library, 3. Auditorium, 4. Entrance Plaza, 5. Amphitheatre, 6. Classroom Complex, 7. Computer center, 8. Administrative offices for the registrar, faculty of the university. It has a wonderful surrounding , the site sits amidst hill all over and at the backdrop is famous fort of India “ Fort Raigad”. As a mark of respect to this great monument the main axis of the building in coinciding with the fort. The building with the above programme in mind is designed to evolve a built environment suitable and catalytic to the process of learning and teaching. The natural wealth around this site demands the architectural plan to have a rich dialogue with the nature. The spaces, have been designed to promote more and more sense of togetherness and interactive with its users. The building has a strong personality which I am sure the students and teachers are proud to associate with. Which is very evident form the feedback we have been gathering for past few years. Being an institute the circulation is highly legible but not monotonous. It is full of variety achieved through intelligent designs of almost 12 staircases, each one unique in its own way. This is deliberately done to establish a strong sense of communication with the students. After so many years of institute designs now we have realized that staircases are extremely vital and essential to relieve stress by encouraging student community to gather around and share a spirit of team. The building has a huge plaza at the entrance and offers a grandeur to the main entrance of such a huge and premier university.
The building is designed as a RCC framed structure, with ducts spread all over to carry services such as rainwater and plumbing lines. The connecting corridors are 3m wide to sustain the growing strength of the students. All the buildings have their own internal courts to draw natural light and offer rich ventilation. The red colour stone cladding is used to simulate the locally available latrite stone colour and feel. The silhouette of building is inspired by the surrounding hills which are a typical character of the region.
It has a form finish surfaces to slab and beams, to retain the monumental aspect. The building assumes it to be an important being in the region and tries to exist as responsible, deep rooted, and robust ready to sustain invasions and face all times to come in the socio cultural change of the country. This is achieved through its scaled up columns and a great order in columns carrying services.
Architects: Ar. B. W. Dhumaley, Ar. Ajay Kulkarni,
Engineer incharge: Mr. Sahasrabudhey, Mr. Ksheersagar,
Contractors: M/s Chaudhary and Chaudhary Pvt Ltd. Mumbai.
Structural Engineer: Vikas L. Chaudhary.
Services HVAC, Electrical: M?s Seth tecno consultants Ahmedabad.
Project Incharge: Mr. Vilas Chavan University Engineer
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological university, Lonere, Alibaug, India. by ajay kulkarni in India won the WA Award Cycle 6. Please find below the WA Award poster for this project.
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