civic center complex for khulna city in bangladesh.a recreational and commercial place.recreational part for city people whether as commercial portion for city people and income generating scope to run the project.
as a civic center deals with interacting facility ,n the best way to feel any city or town through pedestrian .
so there were a strong pedestrian connection with all assessable s.
spaces were fragmented with breaking of lines to break monotony. the entire complex were internally connected with foot path as well as pedestrian and vehicular movement.



Multipurpose Hall,Restaurant,Gallery,Auditorium, 10 storied commercial complex, Temporary and Permanent shops.Green breathing space and Bus stop.

Architect Md. Arafat Hasan
Architect Avijit Shaha
Architect Joarder Hafiz
Architect Samsul Arefin


Arafat Hasan

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