i participate in this competition in my 4th year of university level. this is a purposal i prepared for the competition "designing in teheran" organized by "benetton group". this is mixed used building having g+1 shopping mall and 5 floors having offices and 1 floor having appartments. concept and its explanation:-architecture is the mother of all arts iran is the cradle of all arts. it has very rich architectural heritage.

special feature in passion are famous in architectural history in all over the world.

the features are optical illusion bad-geer and wind catcher, sword as a feature of powers to role the world. the persian history is very brilliant and has given the architecture new vocabulary feature and construction techniques with high sensitivity to aesthetics. persia is still leader in muslim architecture spending to russia, india, afghanistan and turkey. my concept of designing is the amalgamation of dominating architectural feature of men architectural feature and vocabulary.
the volume development at site is also giving the scheme to the urban aesthetic prevailing there.
1. the glass is exploited to create internal and external visual connection.
2. fair face concrete with combination of glass use to create optical illusion.
3. stepping in elevation is used for landscape (plantation) to create the effect of hanging gardens.
4. light blue color glass is provided for welcoming exterior into interior with azur color of sky.
5. the atrium inside like funnel shape has been provided to the maximum natural light. down to the ground floor.
6. 2 service core are provided to segregate the traffic from basements to ground and ground to top.
7. the ramp connecting the basements is placed in front of the building. the concept behind this ramp is safely and ease of the commuters further it is providing a visible set sack from shahra-e-valiasar. this resist facilitates. the total view of the building at one glance.
8. the structure is composed in simple r.c.c frame. the position of the columns may be re-designed. there are two pickup columns from the beams for last floor(apartments floor).
9. the nightscape from the volume has been given special attention. the elloborated glass work has suggested in major elevations to give the effect of shangri-liars.
10. the top roof is also the part of glowing volume initially suggested with accrallic coverage.
11. the tower on top three floor are symbolic representations of badgeer (wind catches) and sword.
12. the total volume is suggested to be mechanically ventilated. nature has been preserved and not damaged by architecture.

(designing in teheran) organized by "benetton group"



its basically a conceptual idea so dont have to concern about as such technical details...

individually work out on this project....

