The central objective of this project was to design a temporary art gallery space for the annual Art City Austin festival. The temporary architecture installations are meant to unify the annual outdoor exhibit, provide prestigious gallery space for selected artists, and showcase emerging professional within the international architecture community.

In an effort to re-think systems of flexibility in temporary structures, the Art CUBE explores techniques of a kinetic object capable of rapidly adapting to changing conditions whilst utilizing the parameters of a basic architectural framework. By offering multiple opportunities in the manipulation of light, circulation, materials and massing, each gallery responds to the needs of the artist and other desired event functions.

The gallery works as a singular object yet is also designed to work as a composite network of gallery spaces. The individual galleries are able to lock into the adjacent units at various locations within their perimeter base resulting in a slightly elevated series of platforms creating a uniquely complex site grid, flowing freely through the site, accommodating grade changes and working around existing site objects {light poles, signs, trees, scrubs}. The resulting set of arrangements, whether solitary or connected, illustrates properties of operability and responses to changing conditions. The kinetic attributes of the galleries provide endless scenarios in formal dynamics, site placement and utilizing the modules as not only gallery space but other programmatic elements such as stages, kiosks, lounge areas, bandstands, and courtyards.

The design is comprised of two distinct forms: an outer shell, functioning both as possible gallery space and as a protective solid massing barrier for the design’s second component, the inner cube. The cube’s primary function is the display of various art mediums using a basic architectural framework with explorations in transparent and translucent finishing materials. The central feature is the operability of the inner module as a response to various contextual, programmatic, and social conditions. Designed as a lightweight steel structure, the unit can be easily man-adjusted at anytime, even during the course of an exhibit, providing the galleries with opportunities to adapt to congestion, changing weather conditions and security purposes during after hours.

Art CUBE uses the simplicity of basic architectural elements and techniques in operability to expand upon the creativity and liveliness of not only the art exhibited, but the art community of Austin. In creating endless responses to any condition, the experience of Art City Austin becomes a new way of exploring and unifying the spirit of Austin and challenges the barrier that divides art from architecture.



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