Rehabilitation project located at the western edge of the historical center of Thessalonica.
MAIN OBJECTIVES: to appoint the Byzantine monuments and their significance as well as their functional integration in the public space and their output in the public.
-it appears empty, without use
-it functions as a fast passage for the residents
-there are three main entrances to the intervention area
-significant Byzantine monuments(temple of Saint Apostles dated from the 14th century, the Kinsterna -reservoir of water- saved intact north westerly of the temple, a part of the entrance located in the southern section of the area and the wall which present great morphological interest) are not being used to develop the area
-dramatic change as far as life and use of urban space is concerned in the two sides of the wall
-hidden passages/alternative entrances between the blocks of flats
-high buildings with typical facades
-in stead of space for the residents it functions as parking lot
-it is an urban void with great potentials
-create a walk through the monuments
-extend the grounds oh the church in order to function as a playground too
-create spaces where the visitor can stand and take a look of the entire area
-give reasons for the people to visit the monuments but create something more than an archaeological site, a hospitable and pleasant environment
-redesign the alternative passages so that they help the visitors and the residents re-discover the area
INTERVENTION: Overall a mild intervention is suggested using:
-a path through the monuments, between the wall and the church
-small structures for shading and resting
-flooring materials to signal different function in every part of the area as well as signify (mostly at the entrances) a discontinuity in the dense urban web; an area part of which is an archaeological site.
In order to activate the eastern part of the area (behind the church) which is now used as a parking lot we also suggest:
-an open – air theater; that can also be used as a quick way down to the grounds of the church
-a small coffee shop located southeast from the church appearing to be almost underground from the upper level
-a structure with walls that can also be used as a canvas for graffiti something that may also be a good start so that the incurious blocks of flats turn into works of art.

Team: Angelopoulos Aristomenis
Tsappi Katerina



Aristomenis Angelopoulos

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