The Pillsbury Retreat is centered in the expansive rolling Flint Hills of Kansas. To appeal to the nomadic species of human beings the retreat calls back to our childhood and recalls how our intuitive nature of recognizing what offers us tranquility was established through two specifics means. A blanket fort and a tree house are two prime examples of how our search as children looking for independence and a place to feel safe and call our own, impacts our very thoughts and feelings today.

To appeal to a wide array of users, users that seek out the dark and what it has to offer along with those that only wish to bathe in light, the dicotomy of the blanket fort and tree house offer themselves up to the patrons.

The entry and overnight suite, along with there personal experience rooms, are located underground. Completely earth integrated. Controlled light access affords for individual user adjustments and complete tranquility and seclusion if desired.

Roughly 90% of the building is green roof construction which aids in this building becoming a responsible steward within the landscape it yearns to exist.

The tree house, located 25' above the green roof, is cantilevers from is concrete "trunk". The tree house is home to the lounge/bar, restaurant and outdoor dining space. The "treehouse" is clad in a vertical Orange Osage wood timber screen to reduce solar gain and glare from the river it overlooks to the south.





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