The city of Split and its waterfront, the Riva, as the paradigm of its history and character, are among the most interesting and most specific sites in the Mediterranean.
Split waterfront is an urbanized, public, open and accessible space, 1700 years old. It stands in front of Diocletian’s Palace, once the home of the Roman emperor. The modular Roman form of the palace in the latter phase became the framework that shaped the city and directed its expansion; in the same way, the dimensions, materials and form of the modular network of concrete elements laid on Riva directed the arrangement and positions of all the other elements of the public space.
The waterfront is the focal point where the city meets the sea. 250 meters long and 55 meters wide, it is also the main public square,
the space for all kinds of social events, promenade by day, parade by night, the site of sport events, religious processions, festivals and celebrations. The project rearticulates the space for all the mentioned events and harmonizes them on a new integrated surface. The solution uses not only architectural design, but also materials, to respond to all the challenges of utilization set before the Riva.
All urban elements and equipment was specially designed for this project and they try to meet local spirit and atmosphere.



Riva Split Waterfront, Split by Marko Dabrovic in Croatia won the WA Award Cycle 3. Please find below the WA Award poster for this project.

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Mario Jelavic

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