Flag for workers in farming Bramadero, Chile

Architect: Blanca Azócar

This work is the outcome of the process by which obtained their Architects diploma at the School of Architecture, University of Talca in Chile. It involved all phases from Design and management to actually building a work of architecture which contributes to the public.

The work is part of the Central Valley of Chile, in a village called Bramadero place characterized by its rural landscape and an economy based on small farms.

The book is a flag for a Pisciculture workers located at the top of a hill.

The party building is based on defining 2 instances:

The first, in which visitors can see the various stages of working through the long journey through the volume of the building.

In the second instance that offers the work, the worker can develop their daily work with a panoramic view of the landscape that surrounds it.

The interior spaces of the work supporting various programs of production, but are connected by a central space, which is linked to the surrounding landscape.

The materiality of the work to mop up the log book which formally refers to the fragility of the various vernacular buildings that make up the countryside of central Chile.


