Just over a hundred years ago, art historian and theoretician Alois Riegl wrote a founding article, Le culte moderne des monuments {The modern cult of monuments}.
Following in the footsteps of Ruskin and Viollet le Duc, this articlemarked a turning point in the attitudes held towards heritage and memory. Atthat particular moment in history, already particularly troubled, his purpose and intentions were noble, “honourable”, or at the very least, attempted to be so.
Alas, little more than a hundred years later, monuments and their cults have completely invaded the planet, accompanying he absurdities of wars, the massive destruction of peoples, nations, material  and the genocides that humanity as a whole has suffered. A mad race that goes far beyond any form of nihilism is precipitating us towards all possible and imaginable forms of suicide. It is a race that offers a fatal attraction, horrors without catharsis – and thus without monuments.
All that is left is the savagery over which those on the wrecked remains attempt to float.


