New York, Central Park, Other side, Brooklyn, Prospect Park, other horizons... In the heart of a vaporous drop resulting from Manhattan, we remembered, vaguely, last being close to a park... Today an arena, ducted rises the canopys translucent ones. Overhanging a place with the paces of vast forest terrace…Same one ?
New York. Cars. By thousands. They slip, thread, at any speed or slowly, decide to sink or to agree a pause. Freeze frame. Doors open...
Arcades make it possible to the pedestrians to easily reach, of everywhere, in the heart of the place, from now on encircled stores, terraces, coffees, cultural activities in any kind. Daring modifications decorate the place of which they redraw the functions. A very strong feeling emerges: to be in the heart of a historical space. The monuments, the context, the urban situation even appear more readable than they never were it: the curves of the automobile ways, on several floors, which surround the place, meet, cross, intertwine until marrying perfectly the existing buildings, drawn in rotunda. Urban traffic and form agree. With new. Heritage received five out of five. Olmsted is back.


