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The Association of Building Engineers

Architecture News - Jul 31, 2008 - 17:30   7267 views

The Association of Building Engineers {ABE} is the professional body for those specialising in the technology of building.

Founded in 1925 under the name "The Incorporated Association ofArchitects and Surveyors", the ABE provides the prime qualificationBuilding Engineer, a title that exactly reflects the professionalexpertise of members and one that is readily understood in the EuropeanUnion and beyond.

It has a wide-ranging membership, drawn from both within theUnited Kingdom and overseas, and enjoys freedom from constitutionalrestraints. These advantages combine to give it a unique independenceand breadth of influence, with consequent national and internationalrecognition of its qualifications both in the public and privatesectors and in the construction industry at large where it isrepresented on educational, codes and standards, legislative, technicaland other advisory bodies.

There is an active Regional structure and a Fire Safety Engineering Group.