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digital urban
Architecture News - Jun 19, 2008 - 17:53 4911 views
DigitalUrban is written by Dr Andrew Hudson-Smith, aimed at examining thelatest techniques to visualise the city scape via digital media itcovers a lot of the work going on at the Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis, University College London.DrAndrew Hudson-Smith is, when not writing the blog, a Senior ResearchFellow at CASA and team leader of the Virtual London modelling group.Any thoughts or comments are always welcome and feel free to drop us a line via the email link on the sidebar.Belowis a list of papers and media coverage of the work to date. There are afew new papers coming soon which will be featured in the blog in thecoming weeks/months. The rest of the papers should be able to betracked down via a Google Search. If you cant find them just drop me aline and I can email you the work.