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2008 National Rebuilding Day

Architecture News - May 15, 2008 - 12:20   5314 views

2008 National Rebuilding Day is April 26, 2008. "Rebuilding Together" is a volunteer organization preserving and revitalizing low-income homes and communities. Mission: In the spirit of volunteerism and community partnership, Metro Chicago improves the homes and neighborhoods of elderly, disabled and low-income residents so that they may continue to live in warmth, safety and comfort. We approach our mission with the understanding that home ownership is an important factor in the stabilization and preservation of neighborhoods. However, there continues to be a growing number of homeowners who cannot afford to make repairs necessary for them to remain in their homes. Many homeowners are also unable to improve accessibility problems in their homes to help overcome age limitations and disabilities. When home repair is not possible, it is difficult for those affected to remain in their neighborhoods. Many homeowners, especially elderly residents who have lived in their homes for over fifty years, are consequently forced to leave the stability of their homes and communities. RTMC is committed to assisting residents, whether they are long-time homeowners interested in preserving their investment, or new owners trying to make their new home a safe and livable one. By focusing on specific neighborhoods each year, and collaborating with other community revitalization initiatives, RTMC is able to maximize and sustain its positive impact on the lives of local community residents.