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Energy & Infrastructure Resiliency in the Smart City

United Kingdom Architecture News - Nov 15, 2013 - 00:20   2366 views

Energy & Infrastructure Resiliency in the Smart City

Thursday November 21st, 2013, 9:30am - 12:00pm EDT / Streamed Panel Discussion: 7:00am - 8:30am PDT / 10:00am - 11:30am EDT / 16:00 - 17:30 (Paris-Brussels)


As Sandy and other recent disasters cast a spotlight on the impact of climate change, both the public and private sectors have begun to focus on the necessity for resiliency. President Obama’s budget for 2014 reflects the change in attitude and sets the ground for revamping the infrastructure to operate on and with clean and smart power.

Much of the resiliency equation rests on a reliable grid system and distributed - and therefore flexible - power generation model. Policy efforts to promote efficiency, smart grids, and DG (all vital to resiliency) are ramping up: an unprecedented bill was recently passed in California, whereby the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) will set electric storage procurement targets for the state’s investor-owned electric utilities (IOUs). Market investment also steadily increases in areas such as renewable generation, energy efficiency, distributed storage, grid optimization, and more. 

Significantly, the need for resiliency and security are effecting paradigm shifts in the way the grid and energy delivery is considered. Microgrids for example, are increasingly looked to as a “building block of the Perfect Power System”. By self-generation, storage capabilities, and smart flexible systems controls, these microgrids are bulwarks during crises and can also provide services to the grid during normal operation. 

In this meeting, we will examine these topics and the key tools and conditions, as well as the role played by governments, utilities, and technology companies, in the progress towards energy and infrastructure resiliency. 


  • How do we build infrastructure for long term resiliency?
  • What role does smart grid, microgrid, and other alternative grid systems play in the resiliency, reliability and efficiency of a city?
  • What investments are needed to guarantee the stability and sustainability of a city?
  • What approaches can organizations take against climate change to become more successful for the business, customers, and overall society?

Roundtable Brochure 

For more information or to request to join the panel, please contact:[email protected]
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