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Urban Morphology
Architecture News - Apr 01, 2010 - 13:53 11576 views
volume 14, number 1 has just been published. it includes articles on the following topics:
* the elusive common denominator in understanding urban form
* the urban structural unit
* a new lens to illuminate and elucidate urban form
* urban landscapes as ensembles
* the form-making process and architectural type
* plot longevity and urban land tenure
* the study of urban form in turkey
* palladio’s children… and vitruvius’s grandchildren?
* a traditional english street village in america
urban morphology is published biannually, in april and october, by the international seminar on urban form (isuf):
the contents of urban morphology are indexed or abstracted in isi web of knowledge, arts & humanities citation index, avery index to architectural periodicals, current contents/arts & humanities, cybergeo contentsreview, geobase, geographical abstracts, internationale bibliographie der geistes- undsozialwissenschaftlichen zeitschriftenliteratur, isi ing services, sage urban studies abstracts, scopus, the history journals guide, and zetoc electronic table of contents