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Architecture News - Feb 18, 2010 - 15:23 8674 views
The Modern Interiors Research Centre Conference, Kingston University, London Thursday 13 and Friday 14 May 2010
Online booking for this conference is now open at:
Please find details of the conference programme below. Further conference details and abstracts can be found on the Modern Interiors Research Centre website (see link above).
This conference will consider the historical insights that ethno/auto/biographical investigations into the lives of individuals, groups and interiors can offer architectural and design historians; the methodological issues that arise from the use of ethno/auto/biographical sources to explore the history of the interior as a site in which everyday life is experienced and performed; and the ways in which contemporary architects and interior designers draw on personal and collective histories in their practice.
0845 Registration and Refreshments
0930 Emma Ferry. Writing Home: the colonial memories of Lady Barker,
0950 Barbara Penner and Charles Rice. The many lives of The Red House
1010 Richard Hayes. At home, 16 Tite Street
1030 David Parker. Dickenss Drawing Room: a case study
1050 Questions and discussion
1110 Tea/Coffee
1150 Keynote Address
1245 Lunch
1410 Inga Fraser. Body, Room, Photograph: negotiating identity in the self-
portraits of Lady Ottoline Morrell
1430 Harriet Riches. Negotiating Interiority: narratives of displacement and
belonging in the autoportraits of Lydia Maria Julien
1450 Gene Bawden. Illusion and Delusion: validating the artificial interior
1510 Questions and discussion
1530 Tea/Coffee
1610 Colin Holden. ‘Expanding House’ Stirling and Gowan (1957) and ‘Put-
Away House’ The Smithsons (1993-2000)
1630 Inga Bryden. While the hands are busy the mind is free to roam:
designs on the kitchen
1650 Celina Lemos and Giovana De Miranda Monteiro. Home Lifestyle in
Belo Horizonte, Mg, Brazil: comparing past and present social-spatial practices and interiors
1710 Questions and close
1800 Reception at Dorich House Museum
Day Two
0845 Registration and refreshments
0930 Shax Riegler. Mario Praz: writing the artifactual autobiography
0950 Ed Hollis. The House of Life and the Memory Palace
1010 Tom Tredway. Inside Out: Elsa Schiaparelli, interiors, and
1030 Cristina Fiordimela. Resonance of domestic interiors, fragments of a
story, from memory to becoming.
1050 Questions and discussion
1110 Tea/Coffee
1150 Keynote Address
1245 Lunch
1410 Cristobal Amunategui. Jean Genet, or the interiors of the outlaw in
the 1930s Europe.
1430 Elias Constantopoulos. Interior living as a spatial equivalent of
Balzac’s “Unknown Masterpiece”
1450 Stephanie Dadour and Jennifer Dadour. Appropriations of domestic
spaces, Beirut 2009
1510 Questions and Discussion
1530 Tea/Coffee
1610 Aline Coelho Sanches Corato. Art, Architecture and Life: the interior
of Casa de Vidro, designed by Lina Bo Bardi.
1630 Robert Gassner. Dwelling as Assembling Temporal Continuities: the
Heiberg House in Vanløse
1650 Aino Niskanen. Views into the homes of Finnish architects
1710 Questions and close