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Architecture News - Sep 27, 2010 - 11:41 9130 views
Design Implications of Spatial Cognition Research
A workshop organized by EDRAMOVE to be held at EDRA 42 Annual Conference ‘Make No Little Plans’ in Chicago, USA from May 25 to 28, 2011
EDRAMOVE, “Movement in Designed Environments” is a network of Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA) and is a venue for presenting theories and methods involving human movement through designed environments. Operating from an architectural point of view, this network puts emphasis on the environmental factors that might be important in human movement.
Translating research into ‘specific applications’ or even professional ‘best practices’ is a difficult task. This becomes even more complicated when multiple disciplines are involved. Spatial cognition research is done in many disciplines yet its application is arguably highly relevant for the professional aspect of architects, interior designers, urban designers and planners. In this regard, perhaps the most useful piece of information for the designer will be those aspects of the physical world that affords greater cognitive presence, and the activities that they are related to. Ironically, despite many and varied researches on spatial cognition, few authors have critically studied its applicability to architectural design. Is this something that interests you?
If you have researched on (any aspect) of Spatial Cognition and have thought about translating that knowledge into architectural applications, if you are a designer who have studied spatial cognition and have specific thoughts on how it can be, or has been useful in your professional life, or if this is simply something you are interested in, then please consider coming to this EDRAMOVE session and sharing your ideas. How can the field of spatial cognition help us make (no little) plans? Or other forms of design proposals? Ideally, we are looking for presenters, but would also like to invite inquisitive professionals to be part of an academic discussion. Please send an email with a brief outline of your paper to the address below by Sept 30th, 2010. We hope to bring together an energetic group of people who will explore the intersection of spatial cognition research and its design application.